We will be closing from MIDDAY Friday 20th December and re-opening 6th January 2025.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season.

Krystol Blog

A blog by Stratmore Construction Solutions highlighting what's new in waterproofing, tips and techniques.


Understanding the differences in concrete waterproofing admixtures

Waterproofing Crystalline Admixtures

Krystol Internal Membrane (left hand photo) growing crystals when exposed to water

Waterproofing Crystalline Admixtures - Krystol Internal Membrane  (left hand photo) growing crystals when exposed to water

Kryton’s innovative range of Krystol concrete waterproofing products
will help you build quality, durability, and cost-effectiveness directly into the concrete. Krystol waterproofing systems create completely watertight concrete structures that are self-sealing and able to withstand hydrostatic
pressure for the life of your structure.

Krystol technology can potentially save you money in reduced labour and maintenance costs, leaving you with a durable and resilient
structure for the long-term.